Battery health checks

Corvus Energy's data-driven tests

Corvus Energy says it has developed a DNV-accepted method for data-driven State of Health (SOH) testing and claims it is the first marine energy storage systems (ESS) supplier to provide this.

These tests for marine battery systems are mandatory and give an overall assessment of the condition, performance, and safety of the batteries over time. They help determine the battery’s capacity, efficiency, and remaining life. Using data-driven approaches in these tests, enhances accuracy and efficiency in monitoring and maintaining marine battery systems. In addition, the test can be done with close to no disruption to the normal operation which significantly reduces costs and off-hire time for the vessel.

Lars Ole Valøen, EVP and CTO for Corvus explains: “We recognised very early that we could reduce cost and unwanted non-operation for ship owners significantly if we could do the annual SOH test without taking the vessel out of operation. However, due to the high complexity of battery degradation processes, it has taken almost five years to gather sufficient degradation data from the field and develop robust data-driven SOH algorithms. The work has been carried out by our experienced team of battery experts in collaboration with world-class research institutions and class society DNV. Large amounts of data from our installations, lab test data, and a powerful digital twin approach have been used to allow simplified test procedure requirements without compromising the accuracy of the test. This method will also make more frequent SOH testing a real choice going forward, enabling improved safety and more predictable operation, especially toward the end of life of a battery installation”.

Sondre Austreim, responsible for the safety of electrical installations  on Norwegian ferry operator Fjord1 25 ferries sailing with Corvus battery systems, says: “Recognising the costly and disruptive nature of traditional State of Health (SOH) testing, which meant taking the vessel out of operation for a full day, we sought a more efficient solution to fulfil this class-required task without compromising operational continuity. The process was akin to extracting an oil sample from a diesel engine, necessitating its shutdown until the analysis of the sample was completed and the report was received. 

Facilitating transition

Japanese classification society ClassNK has extended its services to “support concrete actions by customers towards a smooth transition to shipping zero-emission”.

To support its customers’ ongoing GHG emissions reduction measures more effectively, the class society is extending its ClassNK Transition Support Services.

It focuses on three types of GHG emissions reduction measures: the introduction of alternative fuels ships, energy efficiency improvement technologies, and the use of onboard CCS, considering customers’ needs together and leading to the implementation of the optimal solutions.



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